- Toxic Injustice: Private Rights and Public Wrongs Post-Sandoval, 38 Tulane Environmental Law Journal (forthcoming 2025) (with Rachel Cohen).
- The First Global AI Treaty: Analyzing the Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and the EU AI Act, 2024 University of Illinois Law Review (Online) 86 (2024).
- Taming the Terminator: Pragmatic International AI Weapons Governance, 28 UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs _ (forthcoming 2025).
- Global Minds, Local Governance: AI in International Law, 2025 University of Illinois Law Review (Online) _ (forthcoming 2025).
- Substance Over Symbolism: Do We Need Benefit Corporation Laws?, 109 Minnesota Law Review (Headnotes) 33 (2024) (featured on Oxford Business Law Blog) (SSCI).
- Balancing Mission and Market: OpenAI’s Struggle with Profit vs. Purpose, 6 Corporate and Business Law Journal (Arizona State University) __ (forthcoming 2025) (with Yilin “Jenny” Lu).
- Trust Issues: Navigating Donor Intent in a Changing World, 17 Estate Planning & Community Property Law Journal (Texas Tech University) __ (forthcoming 2025) (with Yenpo Tseng).
- Destination ADR: Charting a New Course for Airline Passenger Disputes, 55 Georgetown Journal of International Law 473 (2024) (selected for reprint in 16 American Journal of Mediation 89 (2024)).
- When AI Remembers Too Much: Reinventing the Right to Be Forgotten for the Generative Age, 19 Washington Journal of Law, Technology & Arts 22 (2024) (featured on Private Law Theory).
- Copy-right or Copy-fight? The Distance Education Dilemma, 24 Journal of High Technology Law (Suffolk University) 786 (2024).
- From Blue Skies to Gray Areas: Examining Privacy and Property Law in the Age of Drone Technology, 30 Richmond Journal of Law and Technology 1 (2023).
- Revisiting Disinformation Laws in the Age of Social Media, 6 Arizona Law Journal of Emerging Technologies 4 (2023).
- The Clash of Theories: Semiotic Democracy and Personality Theory in Intellectual Property Law, 9 Law & World 14 (2023) (featured on Private Law Theory).
- The Creative Commons Solution: Protecting Copyright in Short-Form Videos on Social Media Platforms, 6 Int’l J.L. Mgmt. & Human. 583 (2023) (featured on InfoJustice.org by the American University Washington College of Law’s Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property).
- 12 Lessons for Using WordPress to Create a Website (GoTop Info. Press, 3rd ed. 2021) (Co-authored with Ho Min-Huang in Mandarin).
- 12 Lessons for Using WordPress to Create a Website (GoTop Info. Press, 2nd ed. 2018) (Co-authored with Ho Min-Huang in Mandarin).
- 12 Lessons for Using WordPress to Create a Website (GoTop Info. Press, 1st ed. 2016) (Co-authored with Ho Min-Huang in Mandarin).
- Overview of the N-EXTLAW Project by the Amsterdam Center for Transformative Private Law, Tsinghua U. Inst. for Stud. on A.I. & L. (June 21, 2024, 09:10 AM) (in Mandarin).
- Global ESG Regulations Overview, Tsinghua U. Inst. for Stud. on A.I. & L. (Sep. 24, 2023, 07:13 PM) (in Mandarin).
- Overview of Major International ESG Assessment Frameworks, Tsinghua U. Inst. for Stud. on A.I. & L. (Sep. 16, 2023, 01:12 PM) (in Mandarin).
- ESG Analysis of Uber and Similar Platforms in Driver-Related Disclosures, Tsinghua U. Inst. for Stud. on A.I. & L. (Aug. 16, 2023, 02:10 PM) (in Mandarin).
- Employee Disclosure by Ride-Hailing Platforms from an ESG Perspective, Tsinghua U. Inst. for Stud. on A.I. & L. (July 10, 2023, 02:10 PM) (in Mandarin).
- ESG Perspective on Employee-Related Disclosures of Internet Companies, Tsinghua U. Inst. for Stud. on A.I. & L. (June 10, 2023, 10:56 AM) (in Mandarin).
- Analysis of Disclosure of Anti-Monopoly Situation of Internet Companies from the Perspective of ESG, Tsinghua U. Inst. for Stud. on A.I. & L. (May 4, 2023, 01:56 PM) (in Mandarin).
- An Overview of Google’s ESG-Related Reports, Tsinghua U. Inst. for Stud. on A.I. & L. (Apr. 2, 2023, 10:02 AM) (in Mandarin).
- Organizer & Presenter, “The Inaugural Emory Global AI and Law Colloquium,” Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, GA. (Feb. 6–7, 2025).
- Invited participant, “Does AI Need Governance? States, Markets, Networks, and the Digital Ecosystem,” Internet Governance Project 9th Annual Workshop, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. (Oct. 17-18, 2024).
- Moderator, “Law and AI Hackathon,” Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, GA. (Oct. 11, 2024).